Merger Vision advised SEPOS, spol. s r.o. on capacity expansion driven acquisition of Výroba dveří, s.r.o. and part of the assets of VRÁNA, s.r.o.
- Sector
- Building Products & Services
- Target company
- Výroba dveří, s.r.o.
- Seller
- Founder
- Buyer
- SEPOS, spol. s r.o.
- Our role
- Advisory to buyer
- Transaction size
- Undisclosed
- Year
- 2019
Family founded and managed SEPOS, spol. s r.o. has been on the market for over 30 years. The firm ranks among the largest and fastest-growing retailers/wholesalers of doors and door frames. Since 2009 the company has also evolved into one of the largest door frames manufacturers on the Czech market, with a monthly production volume exceeding 12 thousand units. SEPOS operates 23 branded retail stores throughout the Czech Republic and one in Slovakia. The company employs more than 250 staff.
Acquisition of Výroba dveří, s.r.o. came as a natural step after long-term business co-operation of both partners, whereby Výroba dveří supplied doors with special certificates to SEPOS. The transaction also comprised selected assets of an affiliated company VRÁNA, s.r.o., used by the founder of Výroba dveří s.r.o. for selling doors under its brand. The acquisition enabled SEPOS to broaden its already attractive product offering and, more importantly, use the acquired manufacturing site to boost production capacity for doors with special certification significantly.
Merger Vision acted as an exclusive M&A advisor to the buyer, acquiring for the first time in its history throughout the whole acquisition process and subsequent merger of both companies.